Sunday, September 15, 2013

A Japanese Market Bag Tutorial

I was wandering around the internet and saw these lovely lightweight cloth bags for sale in Japan.  They are called azuma bukuro. I stared at them and folded paper for about a half an hour and then came up with a pattern. Then I found out that there are lots of tutorials out there to make them if you look around.

The original bags are lightweight fabric and are tied at the top for handles. I wanted to try a heavyweight fabric. So here's my version...

Here's the finished bag made from an upholstery fabric remnant and some printed cotton for the lining.

Happy Sewing! 



bri·co·lage noun \ˌbrē-kō-ˈläzh, ˌbri-\

Definition of BRICOLAGE

: construction (as of a sculpture or a structure of ideas) achieved by using whatever comes to hand; also : something constructed in this way

French, from bricoler to putter about
First Known Use: 1964 


  1. Love it, thank you! Will have to try it to get my head around the turns and folds! :)

    1. It's by far the simplest thing I've made. Once you have it in front of you it all makes sense. Hugs, Maz

  2. Can't wait to try these... I'm thinking they would make great Christmas presents!

  3. This is such a cool bag! Thanks for sharing your tutorial. I just happen to have some upholstery fabric. I love a sturdy tote! Question: can that last side seam (the one that looks like railroad track stitching) be sewn on the machine or does it need to be hand sewn?

    1. It can be sewn on the machine. Just pin and sew, then turn, if that makes sense.

      (And apologies for taking a year to reply. I just saw your post.) Sew on! Marilyn

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. thank you for showing a heavier fabric can work :) - am planning holiday gifts now.....

  6. Love this idea, will definitely try it out.


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