Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Making Peg Dolls

Cue Trumpets!

  Photos by Margaret and Paul Bloom, used
with permission of Hawthorn Press.

My amazingly creative friend, Margaret Bloom has a book out that you are just going to love, It's called "Making Peg Dolls" and it is the most beautiful craft book that you can possibly imagine.

"You can purchase Making Peg Dolls at Amazon and all other online booksellers" 

Her book is just chock full of wonderful ideas and patterns so that you can create your very own peg doll world. There are peg dolls for every season; flowers, bluebells, Purim and Easter for spring, mermaids and garden sprites for summer, gnomes and owls for Fall, and King Winter, angels and all kinds of glorious things for winter.

I thought that these adorable dolls needed some furniture so I came up with some for little sprites that came to visit my workshop that I will be sending out in my next newsletter.

Have fun together making things!

Best thoughts,



“Books. People have no idea how beautiful books are. How they taste on your fingers. How bright everything is when you light it with words.” ~ Rachel Kadish


  1. Wonderful furniture, oh so cool Marilyn,
    And I am having fun reading Margaret's book
    cheers Marie

  2. What darling furniture, and such a perfect quote. Margaret's book is certainly a treasure!

  3. I LOVE the furniture! It's so cute.

  4. Sweet little peg doll furniture. :) Our little peg dolls will be comfy cozy.


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