Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Some paper mandalas

I don't have anything in mind for these little paper designs. They are just practice testers. They might make nice tiles or coasters.

They are made out of cut paper that I spraymounted onto watercolor paper. Then I filled in the spaces with watercolor.



 “Creativity is thinking up new things. Innovation is doing new things.” ~ Theodore Levitt


  1. Neat project Marilyn. I like the coaster idea. That is great! How handy to have such pretty little coasters!

    I liked the guitar photos to, from the last post. I love the guitar as an instrument and used to play a little bit, enough to do a few songs around a campfire with friends. Making music is one thing, but making musical instruments is quite a gift! Thanks for sharing that little tidbit on your blog.

    But back o the topic of mandalas...

    I once had some rather intricate mandala forms on paper, kinda like a coloring page, that I printed out or photocopied and then colored with markers. What did with them is make a mandala mobile.

    To do this, I colored two of each design and then sandwiched cotton between the two sides as I glued them around the edges. IT was like a little pillow. I then hung them from string attached to a rod and they dangled and danced as they hung from the ceiling, the way that mobiles tend to do, if you let them. It was a fun paper project. Will you be making mandalas to color and print on your website?

    I did the same thing with a larger mandala... making two of the same to color the same and then put together. I stuffed them back to back with cotton in between and hung up this colorful 3-D sort of paper pillow too. It was very pretty.

    I do really like the coaster concept. Seems like something fun and artsy yet something practical to have around when you need it. One can always use coasters around the house, or for a gift, and if they are pretty it is all the better!

  2. Dear Marilyn, your mandalas are so pretty, and I can imagine how lovely they would appear if you make them in kite paper like "papalotes" paper, then attach to a window so they will let the light get into the room with the warm glow of a mandala.
    Love your designs.
    Chhers from Chile

  3. Marilyn,
    I have just found you! I am in love with your wit and philosophy of life, and there just isn't enough to be in love with these days. I will enjoy reading your 'journal' so. Thanks for the pinwheel instruction.

    I think these would be lovely on the off side of wooden blocks myself. They are beautiful designs indeed.

    Thanks for giving me something to smile about on occasion.

    Best Regards,


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