Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Inka Binka

Inka Binka bottle of ink, 
the cork fell off and you stink...

I'm revising a giant pile of drawings for a book that my writing partner J.H. Everett and I are working on called Haunted Histories. There are so many possibilities, so many ways to draw one thing. It hasn't been in the zone, effortless work, more "uphill both ways" grinding. 

I think I need another kind of paper. 

How to you get through a challenging project? What things do you do to bribe, bully and cajole your inner child to stay on task?


The lyf so short, the craft so long to lerne.

 ~ Chaucer


  1. LOTS of coffee and good music - that's what get's me through a challenging project. But then again, lately, every day has been a challenging project.

  2. Take a REAL and really good break, like an inspiring day trip!

  3. A little breathing meditation to clear your mind, and a fresh sheet of paper! :)


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