Check out more of her beautiful illustrations here:

Imagination will often carry us to worlds that never were.
But without it we go nowhere.
~ Carl Sagan
I love the spunky expression that she has, don't you?
Come fairies,
take me out of this dull world,
for I would ride with you
upon the wind and dance
upon the mountains like a flame!
Click here to buy Andy’s Book, Draw 50 Magical Creatures =
Spring is happening! Hummingbirds are hatching, we have apple blossoms and more artichokes then we know what to do with. If I find my camera I'll post more picts.
Tell me about Spring in your neck of the woods.
Best thoughts,
“I perhaps owe having become a painter to flowers.”
Claude Monet
Makes you want to start drawing, doesn't it?
Click here to buy Andy’s Book, Draw 50 Magical Creatures =
Celia made all the eggs and took this picture. Rather pretty, don't you think?
Thanks, Celia! Your photos are so lovely!
My friend Celia has the most delicious blog, Fig Jam and Lime Cordial.
She not only posted an article about easter chocolates using my little paper baskets she also has wonderful recipes with all kinds of wonderful photos. (I'm addicted to her cream cracker recipe.)
A New Toy! A Paper Easter Egg!