About twenty years ago, I got lucky and married a very fine man. Through thick and thin, richer and poorer, house buying, trips, college, grad school, a kid, diapers, asthma shots and all kinds of mushy stuff, not only love that comes from sharing a life together, I'm still nuts about him. He's still the guy I'd take home from the party.

So this last week, we snuck off on a little vacation. The wonderhub had never been to Las Vegas. I had only been for work. It being summer, hotel rooms were practically free. So we got a babysitter, filled the freezer with Hot Pockets for the Boy and headed off on an adventure.
We had a wonderful time, but I have to tell you, Las Vegas is a whole new bucket of weird. It's loud. And flashy. Sort of like being stuck in a pinball machine, or staying at a smoky Chucky Cheese. We had fun figuring out all the subliminal marketing tricks, like the loud, peppy music in the buffets that makes people eat faster. The carpets were horribly busy patterns designed to make people look up at the flashy lights and gamble more. We don't gamble so we spent most of the time reading books and taking naps.
The reason that we chose Las Vegas was because we wanted to see magicians, Penn and Teller.

Their show was awesome with great seats, third row, center. And we got to meet them afterwards. They were both completely charming and signed my sketchbook.
So, how's your summer going?
It is something--it can be everything--to have found a fellow bird with whom you can sit among the rafters while the drinking and boasting and reciting and fighting go on below. -- Wallace Stegner