If you had a magic lamp what would you wish for?

Click here to buy Andy’s Book, Draw 50 Magical Creatures =
Click here to buy Andy’s Book, Draw 50 Magical Creatures =
Click here to buy Andy's Book, Draw 50 Magical Creatures =
The "Draw 50 Magical Creatures" by Andrew Mitchell Art-A-Rama continues with
two adorable fairies drawn by Norma Samuelson.
She says, "I'm Norma Samuelson, born in Argentina.
The rainy and cold weather in the Southern Hemisphere kept me indoors
drawing with pencils and crayons.
I've never stopped doing that, and truly don't know how to stop now."
You can see more of her work here:
Come fairies,
take me out of this dull world,
for I would ride with you
upon the wind and dance
upon the mountains like a flame!
W.B. Yeats.
To find a link to “Draw 50 Magical Creatures” go here:
For more about Andy go here: http://ajmitchellart.typepad.com/ajmitchell_art/
To read more about J.R. and find a link to "Draw 50 Magical Creatures" go here:
For more about Andy go here: http://ajmitchellart.typepad.com/ajmitchell_art/
My friend Andy Mitchell's new book is called "Draw Fifty Magical Creatures"
It's a wonderful book with all kinds of fantastic things to draw like dragons, fairies and brownies. So at the last OC Illustrator's meeting we tore the book apart, that is to say, we all took a page and are drawing one of the creatures in the book. Our challenge is to draw the creature the way it is shown in the book and then do a second version using our imagination.
The first creature is drawn by the very talented Jennifer Olson. Check out her blog and website for more delights!
Silver, Purple and Orange, I guess,
Are not blessed with rhyme-iness.
These three words are found among,
Those awkward words in the English tongue,
That never seem to have a rhyme,
And never get to end a line.
If they could, what should they do?
Try to be red, green, or blue?